Brown's Chicken

Brown Chicken murders......where were the cops, what were they doing?
a mile away at a cop bar?
getting drunk?
getting high?
doing drugs?
getting laid?
rolling a drunk?
planting evidence?
staggering around?
falling off the bar stool?
doing another shake down?
answer is - one, two or probably all above,

the chief, (for sure different watering hole, chief did not drink with the boys. did not wear his uniform for lunch, hahahahahaha) passed out later on or during these marathon lunches, who wouldn't except hard core drunks, 

shift commander  was probably doing something naughty,

Ask the State Police, I'm sure they could assist in denial ability after all,
Palatine cops have state police training.

apple don't fall far from the tree.

Yes there are good cops out there, far and few between

add Schwantz's kick off celebration

all have something in common?